Thursday, September 30, 2010


One week from TODAY we will be on our way to China!!! Seriously ..... I am speechless, all over the board with my emotions and not even sure what I should be working on right now! I cant believe in 10 days I will meet my daughter for the first time --- WOW my daughter crazy. We are packed and ready to go. Please be praying for our boys my oldest is already pretty sad about us leaving and that just breaks my heart. So if you think about it please cover my boys' hearts in prayer that God would prepare their hearts for the goodbye on thursday morning and 16 days we will be part (the longest we have been apart is 3 days and 2 nights). Also, obiviously for sweet Libby Xiao - girl needs us I mean just look at this pitful picture (the awful t-shirt just about sends me over the edge and makes me want to fly tonight and immediately put her in a smocked dress or anything but the trucker flap/playboy tshirt! hahaha).

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


"We witness a miracle each time a child enters a life But those who must make their journey home across time and miles, Growing in the hearts of those waiting to love them, carried on the wings of destiny, And placed among us by God's own hands"

We will be a family of 6 - 4 kids ages 5, 4 , 3 and 2 year old yikes! One month from today we will be returning HOME after a very long journey in China with our baby girl. We are can't wait to leave in 2 weeks and start this trip. I am praying constantly for our daughter and daydreaming about all the fun we are going to have with her. Our lists are getting crossed off and smaller every day! I am in MAJOR nesting mode which is driving Joe crazy with all of my projects (he does not understand how cleaning closets, cabinets and garage as anything to do with bring Libby Xiao home ha!)

Sunday, September 19, 2010


"God sets the lonely in families" Psalms 68:6 perfect way to describe our night. We are so blessed with amazing neighbors and we had a little get together with them tonight. As I sat back thanked the Lord for our friendships and the giggles of the kids (11 kids all 5 and under) I couldn't help but have a "lonely" feeling - we were missing someone- our little baby girl. While watching the little girls run and laugh I can't help but wondered about my own little girl. Its crazy to think that in a month we will be home and be a complete family unit PRAISE THE LORD.
I cant wait to see what kind of personality she will have - I am hoping for a little spunky kinda bossy spirit - Lord knows my boys need a little woman in their life to guide them ha! Will she like to swing or prefer the slide? Will she be shy or life of the party? I just cant wait to learn every little detail about her. I am excited to brush her hair back and wipe the sweat from her little brow after a good chasing game with her brothers and friends. Give her healing kisses for all of her bumps and bruises. I am ready to not miss another single moment in her life...ever! I cant wait for her to look to me not only for love and reassurance but also for her to know that I am permnant and I will never leave her. This journey has already been such a blessing and I cant wait for the ride to really start....we are getting close to travel woooooop woooooooppppp!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lord, prepare her little heart

Three weeks from today we will be flying to Beijing, China and starting our journey to sweet Libby Xiao. My heart is heavy for 2 reasons - I am dreading tha part of hugging my wild little men and telling them goodbye (*knowing that I wont see them for 16 days) and I am sad that this chapter of Libby's life is about to come to an end.
I am praying that the Lord will prepare her little heart for the major transitions that are about to happen. I pray that she has lots of laughs with her buddies and sweet times with her caregiver. I can't even begin to imagine how hard this will be for her - leaving the only place she knows and going with total strangers (plus she has only seen Chinese individuals her whole life so she will most likely be very unsure of us). I know God has called Libby to be our daughter and trust that He has already laid every detail out perfectly.
We would love prayer during this time. Please pray that God will give Libby Xiao a deep understanding that we are her forever Mommy and Daddy. We are here to love and protect her always. Also, for her to feel that she can openly grieve and mourn with us in China about her lost. And finally pray that she will bond and attach to us during those first few hard days.
We are excited and ready! Now back to making lists and re-packing again ha!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Kisses in the Wind

Sweet Libby,

As I start my day you are getting ready for bed so I pray that the Lord would fill you with love and peace. I cant wait to rock to you sleep, I love you baby girl.

"I hold you in my heart and touch you in my dreams.

You are here each day with me, at least that's how it seems.
I know you wonder where we are... what's taking us so long.

But remember child, I love you so and God will keep you strong.
Now go outside and feel the breeze and let it touch your skin...

Because tonight, just as always, I blow you kisses in the wind.
May God hold you in His hand until I can be with you.

I promise you, my darling, I'm doing all that I can do.
Very soon, you'll have a family for real, not just pretend.

But for tonight, just as always, I blow you kisses in the wind.
May God wrap you in His arms and hold you very tight.

And let the angels bring the kisses that I send to you each night. "


Just 28 more days until I can hold you........

Miss Libby Xiao

Meet Miss Elizabeth Xiao Mabry. We can't believe that we are so close to traveling to get our baby girl. When I look at that precious face I am reminded that the Lord is so good and faithful. I love that God placed Libby in our hearts long before she was even born and to think we are just a few weeks away from touching her it is just overwhelming to say the least.

We are crazy finishing up details here at home (lots of packing, repacking -packing) making lists and schedules. We are so excited to meet our newest addition but extremely nervous about leaving our 3 wild boys at home (pray for my parents ha!)

So let the coutdown begin.....29 more days until we leave.